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27 Movie Reviews

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I don't like your sense of humor.

Maybe it's just me, but overall I didn't find any of these particularly hilarious, rather just random. Maybe it's a result that almost all my friends are constantly random like this, making me immune or something.

None the less, it's still a good flash with solid drawings and a strong idea. From the look of it, many other people like it so I'm sure you don't need to worry to much about this. Every flash will a few people that don't like it.


I'm pretty sure that you're aware of the shortfallings of this flash, and that it is not only very short, but has not plot. But I'm sure you believe that that is not the point.

This is your third flash you've submitted, and a lot better than the one flash I have submitted, and gotten blammed. This is pretty good for a third flash and I though it was fairly decent.

Now, the flash, as am sure you know, was short and had not plot. But I got a chuckle out of it. It was kind of random but I got a short chuckle out of it and though it was pretty decent. It wasn't the best flash I've seen, but it was a lot better than most newb flashes.

The only thing I could say that you could improve on is maybe give Ozcar(I hope this is based on the mod) have a mexican accent. If you were to do this, it would greatly improve the funny level of this flash.

It was a good flash and it seems like you put a decent effort into it. I hope you have succes with the rest of your flashes.

A great movie

I loved this movie. I liked the self made music and the whole graphics skeme. I'd laugh if ebaums stole this from NG.

emoish but still good

I know you're getting about 1000 reviews that are just saying emo so i'm not going to talk about it. I loved how with each type of pain you illustrated it well and showed how it feels without any words. There were a few where I didn't quite get the message though. Overall that was a pretty good flash.

it was okay

it was kinda interesting but the characters were too small and the whole losing heads and still fighting was kinda weird. It was okay though. I think it would be much better as a game rather than a movie.

cheese-meister responds:

i cant program for shit...

you fail at funny

this wasn't even close to funny. It was just retarded. Maybe something a 4 year old would laugh at but no one older. grow up.

loved it

it was awesome.

P.S. to the guy before me LEARN HOW TO SPELL. he reveiewed all the dbz stuff and couldn't spell one word right.

It was pretty good

It was a pretty good flash with nice graphics. I liked the humor and it was fun to watch. Keep making more.

great series

I first learned about this series when I saw it on the front page. I loved and i searched everywhere to find all the old episodes. Anyway, this is a grea movie. I loved the burning hair and everything, its gone a long way. Hope to see something even better next time.

Redesign is when?

Age 32, Male


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